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Little Zen One Chatter

babywearing group free try before you buy baby carriersmeet up

Love babywearing, relatable stories, gorgeous baby carrier spam, like-minded people and getting to try baby carriers for free?

You’ll fit right into the Little Zen One Chatter Facebook group! Join our fun and friendly community with thousands of awesome members just like you.

Here’s what you will find when you join:

  • Hundreds of real-life baby carrier and babywearing outerview reviews, drool-worthy carrier pics, and helpful posts to get you through those late-night wake-up calls. With friendly and supportive members from around the world, the lights are always on here. 

  • The world’s largest Try Before You Buy (TBYB) program for baby carriers. Choose from hundreds of carriers to host for free before you commit. No buyer’s remorse, you’re welcome to try baby carriers for a week…. for FREE! Asking for a friend, how many TBYBs is too many? 

  • Fit checks from Certified Babywearing Consultants, so you can get the perfect fit with friendly, safe and qualified advice. No shaming or babywearing police here!

  • Help choosing the perfect baby carrier. We’ve got your back (and your little one’s!) Between Certified Babywearing Consultants, the community member’s honest opinions, and the TBYB program, you’ll find the perfect carrier, or carriers - we won’t judge.

  • Supportive online community guaranteed: Little Zen One Chatter offers encouragement, support, and humor. Seriously, sometimes all you can do is laugh (and maybe share a meme or two).

    Exclusive perks? Yep! Enjoy early access to sales, member-only deals , and fun contests with amazing prizes.

  • If this sounds like your jam, come hang out at Little Zen One Chatter! We can’t wait to see where babywearing takes you.

    Join now



    I always recommend LZO to anyone interested in baby wearing. The Try-before-you-buy program is an amazing way to learn what works for you and what doesn’t. This is so important because there is no one size fits all solution in babywearing. The LZO chatter Facebook group is a great place to get advice from experts.

    Samara Patton

    I love the chatter group! So chock full of good information and inspiration! I check it daily now! I also am loving the Try Before You Buy program, getting to try out different carriers and wraps, and also seeing others post their #tbyb carriers/wraps! Amazing group!

    Jennifer Tsuruda

    I love Little Zen One Chatter because it’s allowed me to feel part of a community. With my first baby I knew I wanted to babywear but I knew nothing about it. None of my friends babywore and neither did my mom. I ended up with a stretchy that I loved and a ssc that I hated so I didnt wear my daughter m as much as I had wanted. This second time around I wanted things to be different. Through research I came across half buckles which led me to LZO and my babywearing world changed. I never though I’d get a woven wrap and now I have a second one on the way. I love that this community of babywearing mamas is so supportive and helpful if I need a fitcheck or advice on which carrier/wrap to get, etc. and I’ve been able to offer some help to others already. This is a wonderful group that I’m glad to be a part of.

    Oriana David

    I’m blown away by how active this chatter group is! Everyone is so kind, helpful, and I love the genuine enthusiasm around babywearing. The group is well managed, packed with information, and very fun and welcoming. Happy babywearing!


    Little Zen One Chatter is my favourite Facebook group! Not only is it educational, but it is also a great place to find support. It had an incredibly inclusive atmosphere. I enjoy being able to see all of the various carriers, and accessories, and I always know there will be so many uplifting comments on anything I post. I adore Babywearing, but don’t have many people in my
    Personal life to share that love with, so I am so grateful to be able to do that with this community.

    Megan Idris

    The Little Zen One Chatter group is an amazing resource for babywearers! Being able to post pictures for fit checks of LZO carriers helps me get the perfect fit for babe and I. I also really appreciate the TBYB program as it allows me to try carriers without having to invest in them first. Group posts are also so helpful when researching different carriers. Would definitely recommend to any parents/individuals with littles in their life.


    I love Little Zen One chatter because I found it in a time of need, when I was looking for a comfortable carrier for my baby and accidentally found much more than that! I remember feeling surprised by the “community” feeling at first and was feeling like I wanted to be a part of it but wasn’t sure how – quite quickly I realized to be in the group is to be a part of the community. No one is excluded and a great effort is made to make sure all posts and comments are replied to thoughtfully! It’s been a great resource for me with babywearing and I know it’s given me so much more confidence about parenting in general being a part of this group!

    Teela O

    LZO chatter has been such an amazing resource while I learn to wear my twins. The group is always so helpful, and quick to answer any questions that I have. It has quickly become my favorite BWing Facebook group 🥰

    Joy Senter

    Little Zen One chatter has been my favorite Facebook group ever since I found Little Zen One. It’s really so much like a big, supportive family. Everyone is so helpful, and willing to share tips, advice, recommendations, etc. I find some other babywearing groups to be more exclusive and snobby, or there’s always people giving unsolicited advice but this one is just so refreshing, and fun to share and geek about babywearing in.

    Steph Bergman

    I’m a huge fan of Little Zen One Chatter because it’s exposed me to so many tools and tricks that make parenting easier. From learning what carriers and carries exist, to getting incredible advice on fit and safety, and even being able to try a wide range of carriers and styles before aligning on what works best for us – it’s a incredibly supportive group. In addition to that, it’s the best place to stay on top of babywearing best practice!


    I love Little Zen One because it opened my eyes to all the amazing options for babywearing! I got to try a diverse range of carriers through the TBYB program and find what worked best for me and my kids. Allie’s customer service is also unparalleled!


    LZO makes it accessible to find a carrier that fits every babywearing person. The LZO TBYB program has let us try carriers and find/purchase one that was the right fit without the fear of having to resell, lose money or be disappointed in our decisions. Allie makes sure LZO is stocked with prints or colors for every taste and that makes sure I am always coming back to check for new options!! The chatter group has made me more knowledgeable than I thought I would be in the subject of babywearing, and I love that for us!

    Erin N

    I love little zen one chatter because of how helpful everyone is. Not only is everyone helpful but it’s such a supportive, uplifting group. Everyone is always positive and resourceful. As a fairly new baby wearer (it’s been 6 years and I didn’t know about this community 6 years ago) it makes me feel like I’m doing all the right things, I just need to get my hands on one of these carriers when the finances are right!! I can’t wait to try something from Little Zen One! Thanks for providing such a supportive community!

    Haley Levine

    I love being a part of the LZO chatter group! The community is so kind and supportive, and it’s full of loads of expert advice and help in your baby wearing journey. Such a great resource for fit checks, asking questions and connecting with other baby wearers!

    Ariela Zamcheck

    I love little zen one chatter because it has added so much levity, joy, inspiration, and beauty to this otherwise difficult time of my life. I’ve challenged myself to try new things. learn new carries and appreciate the beauty and art of baby wearing!

    Kristen Bayley

    I haven’t been here long but the LZO chatter page is a great community! People are very supportive, post wrapping videos so you can learn new carries, and will help with fit checks. I also love the opportunity to try different wraps and carriers to better find what fits your needs


    I love LZO chatter because everyone is so kind and shares their knowledge of wraps and carriers. It’s how I picked my first LZO wrap to purchase. I love that people share photos and reviews of different wraps. It’s fun and so helpful when trying to pick out a wrap for yourself. And the tutorials and tips for wrapping are so useful too.

    Mia O'Driscoll

    LZO chatter group is such a great community of babywearers! There are not a lot of social media groups where everyone is pretty positive and helpful but this one is exactly that. You can just post to get some babywearing love, post for helps finding a carrier (this group knows so much!), or help with fit checks. I love seeing everyone so excited about babywearing and trying new carriers. Not to mention, the owner often posts new and exclusive carriers to the chatter group first, which makes it more special to join. I love being able to talk babywearing I’m LZO chatter!

    Amanda Fleischmann

    Joining this group has been the best decision I’ve made on Facebook! It feels like a family I’ve never met. Being a remote employee and full time mom can get isolating but the community helps me feel I’m part of something again! Thank you xo

    Sierra M

    Little Zen One chatter is a great resource! As someone new to baby wearing, the chatter group provides great information on different types of carriers. The members provide recommendations, share pictures, and their reviews. LZO Chatter also provides members with fit checks and suggestions. I’ve added carriers to my wishlist that I never would have tried if I hadn’t seen them posted about in the chatter group!


    I love LZO chatter because it’s a kind and welcoming community. Everyone is there to support and help each other in their babywearing journeys. Being able to read people’s reviews of carriers, especially woven wraps, has helped me figure out which is the right wrap for me and my lifestyle. I also never would have tried an onbuhimo had I not been apart of this group and it is hands down my favourite carrier- I couldn’t imagine life without it! My husband (who was initially hesitant to babywear) fell in love with our Integra solar and now we fight for who gets to wear our toddler LOL!

    Lindsey Gonchoroff

    I love little zen one because I love supporting small businesses! Allie is one of the sweetest business owners I’ve ever met! The Facebook group is also my favorite, because it’s so much more than just a baby wearing group, it’s a community. The TBYB program has changed baby wearing for me and my family forever and it is because of this company and these people and this program that I’m able to confidently wear my kiddos just about every single day which makes life 10000 times easier. So grateful ♥️

    Sabrina Paul

    I love the little zen one chatter group for the community and wealth of knowledge that’s there. The people within the group are so helpful with indecision and encouragement to try new things. I feel part of a community when I read people’s posts exploring the try before you buy carriers. I’ve even felt driven to sign up for things I hadn’t originally planned to due to their descriptions of experiences with different wrap designs I have yet to touch! (I’m a prima addict for now, but maybe ada or trias soon? 😉)


    I’m new to LZO chatter. I have a baby carrier in my cart but I haven’t pulled the trigger yet… but that doesn’t mean I don’t feel like part of this wonderful community!! I enjoy the Facebook chatter as it’s been really helpful in deciding which carrier will be right for me and my Baby. I think I will try the TBYB program this spring


    I love the LZO chatter on Facebook. It is so welcoming and supportive. I actually had to reactivate my Facebook in order to join when I wanted to use the tbyb program. I hate Facebook, but I love this group. Joining this community has been one of the best decisions I’ve made as a parent!


    I love Little Zen One because it’s such a positive supportive community!! They have a Try Before You Buy program that lets you try out different carriers without have to “trial and error” on your own. Which is a lifesaver because some of these carriers are PRICY! Though obviously well worth it if it’s the right carrier for your needs!! I come here often to see the wraps that people have tried out and get their feedback. I love seeing families share my love for baby wearing and all of the settings people are able to baby wear in! My all time fave was someone sharing baby wearing at a wedding while dancing!!


    I love LZO chatter because of the insane amount of education and support available. I’ve learned so much about baby wearing, and that has made being a FTM a touch easier. I love all the different parents and babies, which makes for an inclusive space. The owner Allie is so present, she truly knows her stuff and cares, which I find rare in businesses these days.

    Kate Easterly

    I love LZO chatter because it helps me grown my babywearing confidence! I was a bit of a noob when I joined this group but between the expert fit checks, community support, and try before you buy program- I am learning what I and my baby love! My only regret is that I didn’t join sooner!


    I am new to LZO but what love about LZO chatter group is the most supportive baby wearing community I’ve been a part of! I’ve been around the baby, wearing Kennedy for eight years now! There are also many benefits but I’m excited to try. The Try Before You Buy program is one that I’m excited to try! I love you can try out different baby carriers without the expense of buying them first. Also looking forward to the fit checks offered by their babywearing experts!


    I love lzo chatter because of the great community where you can talk about baby wearing. This was one of the first communities I joined when baby eating. Allie has some amazing deals. I also love the try before you buy program to try out new wraps and carriers.

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